Where there is life, there is everything. Where there is no life, what is the meaning of anything? Where there is life, there are Sciences. Talk about any subject and there is no existence of that subject without life. Where there is Bio., there are technologies. Almost all technologies are inspired by Bio/Life.
Overintrusion of any technology in our life including Computer/Sciences/Technology/ Engineering is a step towards the death of life?! Seems so. The charm of computers and all such gadgets are only up to the point of being alive. For a dead person, a computer is like "Camp"-U-ter-ter! Overintrusion of Tech and evolution of life towards crazy Sci-fi world means a dystopian world like 1984 by George Orwell.
Codes of life and regulation of life coding in comp-u-ter language is programming. Later part is something new kinda khichdi to me. How about a comparison of both in terms of similarities and differences to understand better. I came across few mixed articles. I would appreciate if any Bio/Computer coder/programmer can explain better.
Life-Sciences and computer part of coding and decoding is ok but what the hell literature, arts, and creativity to do with that? Lots! Realized in last few years. From writer-cop to writer-cope to writer-copying. From simple pic to collage to modern art. Unlike Bio-Info/Computer-Life, there seems no rules and regulations in this creative artistry. Many people confuse cop with cope or simply copying, i guess. It seems more about perception, intuition, and instinct. So many other factors also influence this artistry like human tendencies of bias. Whatever! This is an amazing interdisciplinary world.