About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Interesting 2021

Yes! I concealed much in that saying that 2021 was interesting, much more interesting. But since last few years that's how I talk about most such things. Interesting! Means, either cannot talk about that right now or it's a bit complicated, need to understand a bit more. Maybe need lilbit research and perhaps right time.

First half part of 2021 was a bit too dramatic, beyond head, ugly but insightful. "That's how system works!" Hijacked to such an extend?

Our department got a new director in March 2021. Some office meeting dramatics (meeting?) crossed some heights of official ethics. 

In April 2021 "kidnapped by so-called police" on the excuse of not wearing a mask err disaster management! Amidst another level of heights of dramatics, thrown to jail, charged with sedition! It was humiliating, torturous, fearful but insightful! It was at another level of dramatics. I have not been allowed to talk to anyone, not even to my lawyer. Phone had been snatched from me. There were dramatics within the police station. There were dramatics while taking to the jail. They didn't even inform me clearly where they were taking me until last. It was kinda "ghumao-abhiyan" started in the noon, went on till 8-9.00PM by PGI police. Answers to my questions were like....

Where are you taking me?


What?.......... Blah, blah, blah

In that evening darkness, it was frightening until I watched the signboard Sunaria Jail. In the jail it was interesting question hour/s until almost midnight! Next 3-days (27-29April, 2021) watched and experienced jail dramatics! Have already written all that (almost 3 and half day special trip) but it needs some proper time before its publication. That's part of Campus Crime Series-2.

Politics: Modi lost. Mamata had won but lost her own seat to Suvendu Adhikari!

Covid-19 deaths toll in the surrounding and fear was at its peak. The time was to cry but I had no time even to die. It was the time when I had forgotten almost every case, every torture; if anything was on mind.... it was political diseases, murders on the name of deaths, assisted murders and role of so-called academicians! Now hate was not against politicians (I never ever liked them) but the understanding of who these politicians are and who make or break these governments....... AT WHATEVER COST! I was hooked to news around the world and observations, some interesting observations and some documents collections. Maybe those documents can help the serious researchers to differentiate between hoax and facts of any diseases and how to tackle the crossing lines between them.

April, May, June, July 2021 suspension, joining.... conditions (seriously?), step aside and concentrate on writing, academic leave for writing.


August 2021, it was the time for bhadaas in the form of so-called publication... Shadows Circus of Governance. Shadows Circus of Governance  

(For details, either click on the above given link or copy-paste below given link or simply go to my blogs and read specific months or time period happenings posts.)


Book Experimentation 





October, 2021, Start of Campus Crime Series in the form of Plants Tales: Andhere, Ujaale

Plants Tales: Andhere-Ujaale



Next book of Campus Crime Series is almost there. But before that I need some understanding of some problems related to computer, files corruptions and hacking. So some readings, some my own kinda experimentations are there in that direction. These problems are not new to me. So I keep my own checks to keep files and their copies at many places including hard copies. But for publication, that's also self publication, need at least lilbit understanding of all this.

Also thinking about reading and learning lilbit finances and market ups, downs err stock market? That's how each and everything is connected and kinda automation of system works? Though invisibly or visibly it has so many controls, checks and hacks. Is it also related to political diseases and governance? Seems interesting. No? At so many levels and in so many fields, the feel is "I am illiterate in this field." :(

Monday, December 20, 2021

How Was 2021?

How was 2021?

Interesting? Not so interesting?

Here it was an interesting year rather more than interesting. After seeing the heights of case designing and ugly politics side, final decision was step aside from crooks zone. Time to sit back and concentrate on writing. 

After years of wait, when you see finally a publication, though not in the intended direction, and then another and the feel was not so bad. These publications also gave the insight and realization, why I could not publish academically even while having the required data (at least for a few publications)? All blame went to that shitty office zone, its politics and kind of gambling and codes politics. After seeing the heights of Covid-19 scandal politics, also lost the interest in that kinda publication zone, where so-called academicians publish just to gain some points or promotions rather than to gain or transfer the knowledge. True about most, though exceptions are always there. Covid-19 kinda dramas are failures of academicians not politicians. Politics means scandals are integral part of it including political diseases. There must be an interdisciplinary new branch, related to the study of political diseases and ways to deal with them.

While going through the collected documents a few times, also came across many interesting aspects, probably I could not ever know without having them. And in all probabilit,y many so-called fighters are also involved in this directly or indirectl. Forced or willingly still don't know. Sure, not talking about the experts of this game.

 For the concerned ones, who are wondering how I am surviving without a salary?

Well, I got an "instant click scholarship" ;). Hope I would manage up to 2022 or 2023 or maybe even beyond. It's a dirty politics, that you cannot get home loan while having a steady income on this or that excuse but can get some instant loa,n just with the click of a mouse even when don't have that steady salary! No documents requirement, no lafda of visiting physically any bank, no arguments with any bank official! Just clicked the mouse on yes and required amount and money was there in the account. Interesting? These are the ways of blocking growth of any individual or people in this dirty gamble zone? 

It's this toxic zone of blocking here and there, that we have to choose ways to survive, at least to some ways our ways rather than becoming a slave. 

And how writing is going (only interest right now)? Though seems a bit slow but it's OK. To get speed one needs to get out of some hurdles. Learning management of those hurdles with every next publication. 

Next in publication line..........

How was your 2021?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Shadows' Circus of Governance (E-Version)

 Shadows' Circus of Governance by Dr. Vijay Dangi

Electronic version is available for readers on Amazon.
Amazon link:

Print version will take some time.
Should I say special thanks to "advance" book reviewers? Book reviews even during book production in direct, indirect forms, here or there ;)

First try in self publication (err technically second, after PhD in 2008, another story!).
So there maybe some mistakes. I would love critical dissection from readers for improvement in further publications.

It has six sections, though could had more but trimmed. Trimmed version is another book in itself.
It looks like a poetry book but details have more to it than just poetry or emotional outpour in the form of words. Each and every word, especially images talk about crime horror and system failure, over the years in different forms. Book covers and templates are pictures from campus house/s or office or nearby.

My special thanks to people who compelled me in this direction (Writing beyond academics or mixed khichadi in future publications). These greats force-stopped my academics in last decade especially. But are they successful? Political diseases dissection/s would tell about that.

My special thanks to those who helped in the publication or are still there.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Finer Details? Minor Details! Shadows Circus

 Why Blurb?

A. I checked a few book sites and found blurb has better software. Easy to use and don't take much             time to convert documents into book form.

Q. Why photobook?

     I don't know any other better and easy way to convert "scanned documents into book form".

Q. Shadow's circus is not a document book but still photobook. Why?

A. Kalaakars/Criminals were playing with my text documents. So I tried this format experimental,              "bhadaas in the form of poetry". Else this book wasn't intended at that point of time. My focus was           on Campus Crime Series.

     Criminals mind still around that's why there are some problems even with that format.

Q. Why these books are not free on Amazon?

A. Amazon minimum price list is 99.00 Rs, if you don't wanna follow certain conditions like solo                 rights to amazon, if I am not wrong. Or maybe, I need to check again.

     No such condition on blurb. Or you people can suggest some other better websites. 

Q. What's specific about Blurb or Amazon's preview pages numbers?

A. They are default. I tried to change page numbers preview there but that option is missing. If I am             not wrong, I saw that option earlier on blurb. Maybe again kalakaars at work?

     Overall, it's a learning process. What numbers, which website or belong to which country don't             matter. What matters, if it's helping us to do what we wanna do or not. 

    My purpose is to compile all collected documents in a format which can be easily available                       anywhere, without much efforts and beyond destroyable.

Sometimes, try to do what "they" say, you should not or you cannot. You will find the fact-files there. I am living in a  "special kind of blocked zone" since blah, blah years. In blocked zone also, we can find our own ways or can devise ways to search our own questions. Those questions which people don't wanna answer. Those answers many ignorant themselves don't know but would suggest, you also "better stay away". 

Or those who knew all along but tried to act like know nothing. What are you talking about? 

Or those greats, who had distant themselves due to questions fear? 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Shadows' Circus of Governance

 "Shadows' Circus of Governance" around the world and politics of diseases, accidents and deaths make you think a thousand times...

What are you doing?

Why are you doing?

For what are you doing?

Are you in academics? In circus? Controlled by others? 

Why are you here? 

Questions! Questions! And a thousands of questions!

While trying to get the answers for these questions, I found myself in a whirlpool of drafted and crafted cases after cases (especially after my conditional resignation in 2017), violence after direct-indirect warnings here and there "iska ilaaz jaroori hai!", humiliation, bullying and last one but not least, sedition charges and enforced jail trip! Dramatics and plays even in jail! Watching and listening death-dance err assisted murders in front of eyes, helplessly, by so-called diseases was another blow to the already in pieces mind! Some knowledge is dangerous. Speaking some truths can be life threatening. Searching some answers can create havoc! Living with them inside is even more difficult! What I was trying to search or what type of questions, I was trying to get answers? Diseases pattern frauds in different forms and Covid-19 gave almost all answers!

So for some time, I gave rest to or had to "Campus Crime Series" for whatever reasons. And picked a bit less logical (though still it's logical) but more emotional outpour. Collected mostly, last decade's ranting and venting in the form of poems related to surveillance and packed in the form of a book "Shadows' Circus of Governance". 

Covers and designs are under preparation. Check out:

Saturday, July 10, 2021

On Light Note

Can weight be a weighty issue?

We do not realize the seriousness of something, we do not fall prey to that? Seemed true to a person who was a skeleton or nearby fit most of her life. I had gained weight after some accident in 2009. But 6-7 hours routine of cycling, physiotherapy and exercise were too much for that weight gain. 

Last few years, I was struggling to lose some 5-6kg weight, gained within some sort time period again. It was kinda gaining weight is easy but losing requires efforts. Though since some time, I started losing weight but it was too slow. It was like lost 1-2kg in 2-3 weeks efforts but gained back some within a week. 

Something happened sometime back. I was on a special-kinda-enforced-trip! And to my own surprise lost 3.30kg weight in almost three and half day! How that happened? Lots of walk and water. Almost nothing on the name of food due to some fears.

I always say fatty-issue is a problem of the rich, not poor people. Ever you saw any laborer even healthy? Fatty issue is a far away cry. In middle class, it's mostly about too much nutrition concern problem. On the name of nutrition, people eat a lot — even when they are not hungry. Or this comparatively new phenomenon of muscular gym body. Or the western 4-5 meals a day phenomenon. Add to that our working class Indians, special snacks and tea times.

The other problems are vehicles even for short distance, not walking much, long hours desktop work    new age life style problems  sedentary life style. 

To be fit one needs to maintain the balance of intake and spent calories. There should be balance of nutrition within this balance. 

Vegetables and fruit diet is a magic for that. In fruits also, fruits with less calories and more fiber. I had no idea earlier about zero calorie food. I came across recently some such food recipes videos. Wonder, if anything can be zero calorie food!? Even most ghas-phus-food or salad-recipes do have some calories. And if you believe in tasty food not tasteless enforcement then it becomes a bit more careful choice.

Dairy products must be minimum or none if wanna lose weight in sort time especially Northern Indians who think, can there be any food even without dairy products! No processed food or minimum. 

People with nutrition deficiency should take care of their special balance of nutrition along with calorie balance. Weight is not that weighty issue if we can take care of our diets and can make them light and balanced. You can reduce weight by taking care of your calorie intake and calorie burn balance even if you are not on much exercise mode.  

Monday, June 14, 2021

Book On Mind!

 No Hurry! But seems time is not that far away I guess...

Some stubbornness is always good. But in that stubbornness there should not be hurry or unnecessary worries. To produce anything good, one needs time, efforts and consistency. At times unnecessary worries do play with mind even if you try to shoo them away from your mind. Situations automatically create that. 

At times, I had also gone through those thoughts, if not now then when? 

Why more delay? 

What if something happened to you? 

What's the use of such a large collection of documents, research, analysis, cross check, time spent and risks taken in so-many forms? 

After documentarily completion of chapters, I searched lil-bit here and there about publishing process, the type of people could play with that and type of risks in that. At times, I come across funny, stupid, non-sense, typical-political or senseless people in this journey of last few years especially. Then there are those who wanna get unnecessary benefit out of all this. Interesting conflicts!? Then there are those who wanna delay it as long as they could. And those who do not want even ABC of it out in any form.

Then there are business minds who think book means nothing but money! Such people forget no-one takes so much risks just for the sake of money. There are so-many considerations. If so-many efforts are just for the sake of money then better to work elsewhere, in some other field. Why some simple book and such a serious stuff? 

Along the process, I had forgotten somewhere or at least try to side by, some hurts, some abuses, some bitterness just by thinking that whole-perspective and process is important not the scattered and toxic hurts and pieces here and there. Though they are also essential part of whole processing.

The purpose of this book or should say series is to awaken people, to get clarity about things and the way this system is working. I have no expertise in most of the topics of this series but there is a try to present the things the way they are and the way I could understand them. 

Next post: Campus Crime Series