About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

On Light Note

Can weight be a weighty issue?

We do not realize the seriousness of something, we do not fall prey to that? Seemed true to a person who was a skeleton or nearby fit most of her life. I had gained weight after some accident in 2009. But 6-7 hours routine of cycling, physiotherapy and exercise were too much for that weight gain. 

Last few years, I was struggling to lose some 5-6kg weight, gained within some sort time period again. It was kinda gaining weight is easy but losing requires efforts. Though since some time, I started losing weight but it was too slow. It was like lost 1-2kg in 2-3 weeks efforts but gained back some within a week. 

Something happened sometime back. I was on a special-kinda-enforced-trip! And to my own surprise lost 3.30kg weight in almost three and half day! How that happened? Lots of walk and water. Almost nothing on the name of food due to some fears.

I always say fatty-issue is a problem of the rich, not poor people. Ever you saw any laborer even healthy? Fatty issue is a far away cry. In middle class, it's mostly about too much nutrition concern problem. On the name of nutrition, people eat a lot — even when they are not hungry. Or this comparatively new phenomenon of muscular gym body. Or the western 4-5 meals a day phenomenon. Add to that our working class Indians, special snacks and tea times.

The other problems are vehicles even for short distance, not walking much, long hours desktop work    new age life style problems  sedentary life style. 

To be fit one needs to maintain the balance of intake and spent calories. There should be balance of nutrition within this balance. 

Vegetables and fruit diet is a magic for that. In fruits also, fruits with less calories and more fiber. I had no idea earlier about zero calorie food. I came across recently some such food recipes videos. Wonder, if anything can be zero calorie food!? Even most ghas-phus-food or salad-recipes do have some calories. And if you believe in tasty food not tasteless enforcement then it becomes a bit more careful choice.

Dairy products must be minimum or none if wanna lose weight in sort time especially Northern Indians who think, can there be any food even without dairy products! No processed food or minimum. 

People with nutrition deficiency should take care of their special balance of nutrition along with calorie balance. Weight is not that weighty issue if we can take care of our diets and can make them light and balanced. You can reduce weight by taking care of your calorie intake and calorie burn balance even if you are not on much exercise mode.