About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Life is a journey and it becomes more beautiful when you live every moment of it. I love travelling, adventure, and exploring the world my own way. Life seems a magic, when you can make a plan and execute it. Let's enjoy this virtual tour of this ultimate journey to Norway.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Quest for 2014: Jatland to Jutland!

My knowledge of history of this route that is from "Jatland to Jutland" is comparatively too new. This journey started from some three years back, while reading some research paper. I came across about this kinda weird link between European gypsies, Romanian and Northern Indian and Pakistan's Panjab part Jats in the form of some diseases. Though it was rejected by many and in some more recent papers, these gypsies were linked with Indian gypsies. 

With time, I developed even lil-bit interest in human's migration history and few international projects related to that. One of the most interesting was National Geographic's "Genographic Project"! 
Curiosity took me from one point to another and I started kinda virtual journey across Eurasia. I think somehow this very interest was the idea behind visiting Moscow. I feel whenever you visit some new place, city, country, you experience and learn something new beyond theory, a bit different in many different ways, on many different aspects. 

The new from that visit was the question, what was the relation of human evolution with evolution of different languages and cultures? And the answer was so simple. Everything related with human evolution is so much interlinked with human's migration including some diseases and the answer lies at Molecular level, DNA. Not just that but even the future of medicine (Population, Personal medicine) lies somewhere in this evolutionary pattern.   

This Nordic region caught my attention for many reasons. One of the reason was the question if there was any relation between these two terms (Jatland and Jutland)? And the answer was yes, from some history books to latest findings about human's migration pattern in the form of haplogroups, DNA. Since last few years, this quest is my calling -- everything else can take a back seat. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Norway -- A Wonderland!

जैसे लहरों से बातें करना 
पानी पे लिखना
रेट से बुनना 
हवाओं से खेलना 
बादलों पे करना अठखेलियाँ 
बुनना इंदरधनुषी रंग 
और उन रंगों में ही घूमना 

Norway -- A Wonderland! 
At least in this movie seems like that :)

Change Is Inevitable!

I wonder at times, is it human nature to resist change? We resist all changes or as per our own suitability, comfort level or simply say convenience? Is it all about what we believe in and what we do not? Most fights/arguments, I see in my surrounding are about this belief and intolerance to others belief, lifestyle.

Growth needs change, at times even some discomfort and courage. One has to throw self into the unknown to know that. One has to take risks in life, challenge the mundane lifestyle to make it better. Growth always needs change though change may not necessarily be growth always but can always be an option. Every obstacle in life gives us some lesson/s, some strength and most of the times some better perspectives. Different people have different priorities in life, so how can ideas of so called achievements be same? What are achievements for one, may be worthless  and waste of time as well as life for others. Sometimes, it is better to break the pattern and let paradigm shift happen to create something better! 

Change Is Inevitable. Growth is optional  John C. Maxwell

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

 कुछ वादे हैं खुद से

कुछ इरादे हैं बुलंद से
कुछ हौसला है अडिग सा
कुछ आत्मविस्वास सा है
कुछ पर्दे हैं उठने
कुछ myths हैं गिराने!

साल ये फिर से
कुछ नया सा जरूर है
मगर चल रहा है साथ फिर भी
कुछ पुराना उलूल-जुलूल सा है
कुछ प्रश्न हैं वही पुराने
कुछ नयो का भी इंतज़ार सा है!

कुछ दूरियां नापी हैं इधर उधर की
और तैयारियां हैं कुछ और भी नापने की
इस भेजे को आराम ना कल था
ना आज है और ना कल ही होगा, क्योंकि
इसका तो काम है वक़्त सा चलते जाने
चलना इसका ही तो जीवन है सो चलते है जाना!