Day by day, I am watching around, this or that gal arguing, fighting, crying while amidst so called own people. But she is smiling while going away from those so-called own people having her own bitter experiences. I tend to think what is the problem and where? All responsibilities lie with gals and almost all these guys are dictators? All so-called customs are against gals and almost always favor guys? Is this mere generation gap or something beyond that? Are all these gals too hi-fi, too demanding? In almost all such cases, I found myself in support of these gals and automatically against such type of guys. Then be it someone my own or someone else in the surrounding. Why? May be being born and raised in this very surrounding, on that being a female myself, I can empathize and co-relate somehow with these gals.
I am an alien for some in this very surrounding. A bit too hi-fi for their too narrow psyche (some literal psychics). However, still I feel, somewhere, there is some relation with these gals. I am somehow related to them. May be it is kinda, we are part of the same system. This system is kinda some game and we have different levels. So we can relate ourselves and understand the situations better. Probably, I jumped up a few levels at birth itself, in this too narrow surrounding and then was protected by some heavenly-shield in the form of my grandpa. When grandpa left this world, I think he ensured himself that I was able enough to take care of myself. Probably, many of these gals were not so lucky and still somehow fighting for their basic rights? Or may be so many of these are also able enough to take care of themselves. They are able to take care of themselves much better than these dictator kinda stuff can even think. Amusing aspect of any such drama is dual nature of these creatures. Or may be they are unable to put in place their dictates in their own homes on their own daughter, sister or in some cases even wife? Such people then try to throw their frustration elsewhere? Seems true!
Mature people throw away lil-lil egos and take care of their priorities by giving themselves as well others a breathable space. While stupid ones keep on dragging silly shit all around just to show their worthless weight. Worst is when you watch any such drama happening to the next generation. Best part is when you see that next generation kicking such creatures and fighting for their rights, fearlessly! It seems in such an environment, every gal has to fight for her own rights. Rights do not come here as birth gifts.
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