A culture's history and its evolution, talks about
its relevance at that particular time. It also talks about the contributing
factors, struggles, changes and adaptations over time. Human history of
evolution, migration and mixing of different people and their culture are the
catalysts of these changes.
I wonder when people talk about globalization and
accept whatever is convenient to them but show their narrow rigidities whatever doesn't match benefit
their interests (read petty interests). These people do not talk directly
about their own petty interests and big egos but take the excuse of culture.
Ask them what is a culture? How you define that? Just like Indian diversity,
different people's views on that gonna be so diverse.
Start from Hinduism and
some will define it some religion, some will define it some way of life and
some will go on explaining all kinda "karm-kaands"! You will come
across from typical Talibani to moderates to liberals type. And if we look at
human's evolution and migration then we are a mixture of all those
(Scientifically speaking haplogroups)! So when people take the excuse of
culture, in a try to kill other's right then they talk about in general, their own convenience of culture. Such people cannot look at things from
other's point of view. They have zero scope for any kinda flexibility as they are
blinded by their own vested interests.
Was that
shocking to listen to the views of rapist's in "India's Daughter" documentary with
zero guilt and regret and on that taking the excuse of culture? That is our culture? Here sick people try to
hijack women's right by applying their own sense of convenience to the culture,
which is as diverse and vast as India. Teasing, molesting, stalking, snooping,
spying, doing worst kinda privacy violations, rape, gang rape are part of such people's culture! Are we far away from Taliban?
lynching and talking, posting all that publicly, with the silent support of our
popular government/s is common here. And they will teach that -- this is our
Better call that Culture of Vultures! This is Indian Culture OR A
Culture of Convenience? Or all cultures are like that?
Note: I will continue this topic and will come with more posts overtime, which may be highly offensive to some "The Dual Characters"! So better for those people stop reading this blog.
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