About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bullying and Lynching Disorder!

Bullying and lynching is a disorder. Some have light form while it is severe in so many other cases. So-called rightists are suffering the worst. Someone said rightly, one cannot deal with them in their language. "There is always a human tendency to fall at the attacker's level. Avoid that." The best is ignore if it is just online. If it is beyond that then fight back and take appropriate stand. 
But amidst all this, keep your peace zone with you and do what you must do. 
When people cannot get what they want then they apply "poly-tricks". Best tricks are spread rumours, hit at vulnerability zone/s and divert attention from your productive zone. 

I came across some hilarious commentary about me. Have a look:
"Drunkards" talked about a teetotaler (me) like that person is alcoholic! 
Left no friend in "their visibility zone" with whom they have not linked!
Foreign trip means getting hooked and having one night stands!
And so-much crap is there in the form of twists that they did not feel like to spare even dead persons, lil kids and even pregnant lady in the family. For them, my friends and friends of friends all are mad people! Oh! And these commentators, saviour of culture are compassionate people. May God bless this compassion to their own near and dear ones? 

When such things happen, we may think that it is happening just with me. I had a look at commentary zone on some people's social site's posts, I was following and it was like grrr. They hit each and every that person who does not fall to their so-called "rightist line" or "bow to them".  

When I write, I write from heart and reflects well my true feelings at that particular time. This is true about most scribblers till the time they start acting or working as professionals. I took many decisions from my heart, heart and head mix and purely by head. Probably that is how we evolve. I just love myself the way I am. I love the people, I love. I will have the same friends, whom these haters detest and same crazy family and relatives. Let the people show their bullying and lynching disorder publicly. 
Many people have suggested me stop this scrabbling on social sites. It makes you vulnerable. Who cares! 

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