About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Mindset Matters

In last few years, came across some interesting terminology.

Like, wretched earth, cursed land, ruined desserts and many such metaphors revolving around women reproductive life or organs. Maybe even men. Better to give such terminology just one word -- toxicity. 

Toxicity of mind, views, perspective etc. First and most important thing is humans are not mere one pair of chromosome out of 23rd pairs of chromosomes. Not even fully one pair as that one pair also somehow depends on remaining chromosomes pairs. Another, having kids is not just about producing kids. It's much more than that. Like plants, like pets, you can adopt and production factory business is over.

It's not mishappenings or abuses which ruin life. But mindset. Don't allow anyone so much power that, that person can even dare to ruin your life. And that starts from mind. Over from mind, over from life. 

Life is big than some happening/s or mishappening/s. Life goes on even when dearest person in our life leaves this world. I wonder then how people could spoil their whole life to some abuse/s or such abusers? Let the abuse with the abuser. Do not carry it with you. अपना फंडा तो यही है, दुनिया का दुनिया जाने। 

बोल के दिमाग आज़ाद है तेरा, क्यूंकि बाकी ज़ंजीरें तो टूट जाती है, मगर दिमागी ज़ंजीरों से मुक्ति पाना थोड़ा मुश्किल होता है -- जैसे कंगारू कोर्ट्स। 

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