About Me

Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

संसाधनों का प्रयोग या दुरुपयोग (Use and Abuse) 47

 A revolution in drug discovery

Defying the incurable

Interesting topic as well as presentation. 

What would happen if something can be rotated 180°?  

Can each word define something good or some terrible happening of future in such rotation?

Or depends, how day by day so many things change in the surrounding, along with such codes? And in so many cases, so many mishappenings could be avoided? But by whom? Sure, not by politicians or coded world fighters. But by people who work for the betterment of living beings.

Somewhat like this

Image from wikipedia

Wonder, if unicorn and unicode are one and same thing?

A = V down and blocked and broked into 2 pieces
B = E Blocked
D = C Blocked
E = 3 blocked
F = 2 blocked
K = V block or V up and down
R = V zero
and so on

Tried to understand some such alphabets in Times of India editorials. What does that mean? Something same? Few such designs somewhere were the indication of some danger zone? And still they are? Also took some lives? Or those lives were already on some danger zone or point or place and these signs were just danger signals? Or somehow such designs also help in amplifications or some kinda manifestations like some catalysts? 

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